Delta Adsorbents Expands Its Product Offering
Activated Carbon is a filtration media used to remove impurities from liquids and air. It’s used in a variety of industries from municipal applications for purification of drinking water to industrial applications for pollution control. Activated Carbon is also commonly called Activated Charcoal. The nomenclature comes from the process to make activated carbon which heats and oxidizes coal into charcoal. You can read more about Activated Carbon in our other blog “Is Activated Carbon used for absorbtion or adsorption?”
Activated Carbon is available in bulk quantities and in two variations. Activated Carbon Coconut Shell based is a granular form used for general purpose adsorption of VOC’s and odors in air. It is suitable for removal of low molecular weight compounds with low to medium concentrations. Pellet form is also available and comes with a Coal base. Activated Carbon Coal base is used in applications of gas phase as well as water purification needs. Pellets have a low dust content and the coal based activated carbons have a complex porous structure that enhances its adsorption capabilities.
Activated Carbon Coconut Shell and Activated Carbon Coal are available in quantities of 1 lb, 5 lb, 10 lb, 30 lb and 60 lb and instock today! Give us a call at (630) 980- 5205 and we can help determine the right solution for your adsorption needs.